Case Studies

The Pilot Study carried out for Carciotti Palace (Trieste, Italy) demonstrates that NDSHA applied to micro zoning allows to:
  • Model the seismic input, starting from available geotechnical and geological information and considering several scenario earthquakes;
  • Highlight local amplifications of ground shaking, due to the combined effect of source, propagation and site conditions;
  • Provide seismic input for detailed engineering analyses, including the dynamic analysis of the structure.
Similar studies have been performed for several sites in Italy and worldwide, including the Warth bridge (Austria), the Prigioni statues (Florence, Italy), the historical Galatti Palace (Trieste, Italy), the Libreria Marciana (Venice, Italy).

Vademecum for the Seismic Verification of Existing Buildings

A Vademecum for the seismic verification of existing buildings with the NDSHA approach has been prepared, based on the work done in Trieste for some schools property of the Provincia di Trieste. Download the English or Italian version.

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